Sunday, February 3, 2008


back from wherever i was (jersey/nyc). it was really nice being back in the city and hanging out with kristy. ate some nooooodles. got rained on.walked around soho. contemplated buying a $1600 bag. bought a lot of booze. hung out in jersey instead of go to free parties with free booze. ate some chinese [food]. hung out with fran. met saosin (again). drank a lot of booze (well they did, i was the DD!!!!). got to DRIVEEEEEEEEE the drunk people weeee.. it was great. probably the best time for me haha stayed at a 3 star hotel. went to ikea! i never went to ikea and it was overwhelming. so overwhelming i had to eat an ikea hotdog and some ikea fro yo.

What Would Jesus Blog posted a real rad blog about band related tattoos. they make fun of the hanson ones haha but i've seen some great sites out there with thousands of these and they're all great and i've been thinking about one for quite awhile.. they're going to be more hidden though. like on my rib cage which will hurt. but i've determined that i have high pain tolerance. one band one i want at the moment is an old, classic robot with "If I was a robot, would you love me anymore?" then i wanted something hanson related but there's so much i don't know what exactly. then of course i want my non band related one- banksy girl..and then i think i'm done. my mom would already have 3 heart attacks by that point so i think that'll be enough. gotta give her time to recover ya know.

sigur ros

Elliott Smith

the lyrics to Bjork's "Bachelorette" in brail?

death cab


Tom Waits...

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