Friday, July 11, 2008

iphone 3g

since i'm an adult and have responsibilities such as work, i'm reading about the iphone 3g and the madness that is today. Quite interesting. Read it here.

Anyways, things are working out slowly but surely.
I'm working an 8 to 5. Trust me, it sucks. 'Business casual,' I never knew what that meant until now and it sucks! Overall, things in Dallas are boring. Here's to finding another city I do not like.

Got to experience my first Warped Tour..umm never again! It was great to be able to see Kristy and Derek and Shelley again, as well as meet Artie. And I finally got to watch Relient K and see DK in action! w00t.

I really want the new iphone..but I need to SAVE for a.) ipod (mine fell out of my belt clip and into the ocean); b.) rent; and c.) emergencies.

the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are you doing in Dallas? If you ever have a free weekend, you know where you can come! Oh, and we ended up not going to Boston. =(6