Monday, September 22, 2008


3 days before tour starts and i have a crapload to do on my to-do list.

step 1: get out of my lease
step 2: schedule movers
step 3: move

moving is hard on its own. put it in a day and i'm f'ed
i can't even move into the potential new place until sept. 25th! that's our first show so no way can i do that. i don't have a lot in my room...but the kitchen- there's a lot. my mom might come down to help me. but first, step 1.

i can't wait for my roommates anymore. if they don't get out of the lease soon, i'm moving my stuff into storage. it sucks because i don't know my touring schedule after this initial tour andddd i have two days to move in between coming back and our last show of this tour until i'm pretty much homeless.

blah... i can't explain the things swimming in my head right now. it is more complicated than me leaving or my roommates leaving or me moving.

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